Finding innovative solutions to public challenges – The Food Trails’ Matchmaking Day
On 9 May, 2023, the most innovative European food-tech startups and SMEs gathered in Milan to participate in the Food Trails Matchmaking Day and meet partner cities and potential investors. The event aimed to facilitate strategic collaborations between the private and public sectors, fostering the transformation of European sustainable food systems. The Matchmaking Day, organised […]
The secrets to food procurement
Public procurement is a powerful tool that cities can wield to create change. Copenhagen leads the way in public food procurement unlocking and sharing its potential.
Food Trails at the Edible Cities Network Conference 2023
The Food Trails cities of Copenhagen, Milan and Bordeaux Metropole took part in the second annual Edible Cities Network Conference, in Barcelona, 15 – 17 March 2023, on the theme “Advancing the Edible City.” The event provided a platform to researchers, policymakers, cities, civil society and entrepreneurs to explore ideas, practices and systems necessary to […]