Europe is waking up to the transformative power of food in all areas of life - socially, economically and environmentally. Now, Food Trails aims to put cities at the heart of food system transformation. It will make the farm-to-fork journey sustainable, empower communities, promote a zero-waste use of resources, promote behaviour change and ensure people have healthy and secure diets.
The project
Over the span of four years, Food Trails will bring economic benefits for cities, including jobs linked to the pilot projects, as well as assuring the financial sustainability of the pilot projects and the identification of any regulatory or administrative barriers to market-based food systems innovation.
Food Trails is will use pilot projects to create a body of evidence that policymakers can use to support policy developments in the realm of urban food. The initiative will lead to the creation of a network of similar pilot projects across Europe, including Living Labs in each city enabling change in our food systems. Food Trails is an EU-funded, Horizon2020 project.
Food Trails aims to:
- Carry out a comprehensive mapping of the exsisting knowledge on urban food systems;
- Launch 11 food policies in as many European cities, through participatory living labs, specific pilots and policy making processes;
- Develop a solid advocacy action towards European, national and local institutions on the role of cities in the transformation of urban food systems;
- Create a space of debate among impact financing actors and cities on the economic sustainability of food policies;
- Spread the results and learning process made by FOOD TRAILS partner cities among the memebrs of the Eurocities Working Group Food throughout the four years of the project; and
- Promote the systemic framework of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact among cities committed to improve their food systems.
Food Trails is implemented by 19 partners around Europe, 11 municipalities and 8 prominent universities and European stakeholders:
Municipality of Bergamo
Municipality of Birmingham
Municipality of Bordeaux
Municipality of Copenhagen
Municipality of Funchal
Municipality of Grenoble
Municipality of Groningen
Municipality of Milan
Municipality of Thessaloniki
Municipality of Tirana
Municipality of Warsaw
Fondazione Milano Politecnico
Slow Food
EAT Fondation
Cardiff Univeristy
Wageningen Economic Research
Roskilde University
Cariplo Factory