Food Trails Stories: Discover the 11-videos series showcasing Food Trails Living Labs

We are thrilled to announce that all episodes of the Food Trails Stories video series are now available!

This captivating series takes you on a journey through the living labs of the 11 cities involved in the Food Trails project, where innovative pilot actions, aligned with the Food 2030 EU Policy Framework and the MUFPP categories, have been implemented to adresse urban food challenges related to urban food system sustainability. Each video not only showcases these pilot actions, their beneficiaries, and their results, but also highlights how these have driven progress in local food policy development.

Produced by the City of Milan as part of the Food Trails project, the series was filmed between September 2023 and July 2024, with the filmmakers visiting each partner city for two intensive days of shooting. The footage captures a variety of impactful moments, from food policy launches (Funchal), to food council meetings (Bordeaux Metropole), educational activities for school children (Copenhagen), and urban agriculture initiatives (Thessaloniki and Groningen) and beyond. The series offers a vivid glimpse into how these cities are shaping sustainable urban food systems.

But the Food Trails Stories series doesn’t stop at 11 episodes. There is also a 12th episode, titled Food Trails: Pathways for Food 2030-Led Urban Food Policies. This special episode centers on the crucial role of food policy development, one of the key legacies of the project. Drawing from the footage filmed in the 11 cities, it showcases the core elements that Food Trails has identified for successful food policy development. The video also invites cities across Europe to embark on their own journey toward implementing urban food policies that can transform local food systems.

Before we conclude, we want to express our heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported and contributed to the creation of the Food Trails Stories series. Special thanks go to our communication agency AB Comunicazioni, the production company Visual Crew, and all our wonderful partner cities who made this possible.

Enjoy the series!

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