Cities hungry for recognition in EU food
“There can be no food revolution without cities, so give us a role,” said Alvaro Porro, Commissioner of Social Economy, Local Development and Food Policy in Barcelona. He addressed European Commission representatives during last week’s event, ‘Bringing urban food policy to the table.’ For the first time, around said table, eleven deputy mayors from European cities and […]
Annual Partner Meeting – Year 2
Introduction From 9 to 11 November 2022, the Food Trails family met in the beautiful city of Thessaloniki for the Food Trails Annual Partner Meeting – Year 2, to review the project’s progress and discuss and reflect on the next steps. An incredible group of 56 people, representing the entire consortium, meet to exchange and […]
Swimming with mermaids
“It was the best Greek food I’ve ever tasted and I didn’t want to leave!” Amelia is just one of the countless food bloggers that have been ensnared by the taste of Thessaloniki. She serves up a rich platter of words to describe the food at local restaurants and market stalls: it is “incredible,” “fantastic,” […]