Call for Impact Investors in Food Systems Transformation

Food Trails project partners, an initiative of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact , invite leaders of financial stewardship and innovation for sustainable impact to participate in the Food Trails Investors Living Lab . The Lab is an opportunity to participate in advance discussions that will shape the impact investment environment surrounding urban food systems […]

How four EU food cities dealt with the coronavirus pandemic

Whether it was a shortage of flour at the supermarket or an increased reliance on food banks and meal distribution organisations, COVID-19 has laid bare food-related issues in cities. But with the end of the pandemic now in sight, cities are putting a sharper focus on their food policy and the future of sustainable food […]

Side Event at High Level FOOD2030 Event on “SUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEMS FOR CITIES”

The Milan Pact and European project FIT4FOOD2030 are pleased to present the Side Event – Sustainable Food Systems fod Cities of the High Level FOOD2030 Event in Plovdiv (Bulgaria), an interactive opportunity to explore selected Research and Innovation (R&I) cases within Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP) cities. During the event participants will investigate cases and […]

The City of Milan and Eurocities win project to map innovative food strategies

The City of Milan and Eurocities in collaboration with the academic expert Roberta Sonnino (Cardiff University) won a EU funded project on ” Innovation for a sustainable and health production, delivery and consumption of food in cities”. The study will start on January 2017 and during 8 months it will concentrate on mapping the food strategies […]