From 8 to 10 May, the Food Trails consortium will meet in Milan for the Mid Year 3 Annual Partner Meeting on the theme “how to finance the long-term solutions of urban food policies?”.
What will the partner meeting programme be like.
- Day 1. The morning will feature sessions on project workpackages. In the afternoon, the consortium will investigate how cities could better collaborate with the private sector through a knowledge sharing workshop. The day will end with a field visit to the local farm Cascina Campazzo.
The second day will be the Matchmaking Day, involving the most innovative EU food-tech startups and SMEs, selected through the Food Trails “Call for Solutions – Sustainable Food Systems”, with the aim of creating strategic alliances with Food Trails partner cities to address the sustainable food systems transformation.
The morning is open to the public and will feature two round of presentations of startups and SMEs and a public talk on “Impact Financing: framework and solutions for investing in urban food policies“. The afternoon will be dedicated to one-to-one meetings between Food Trails partner cities and the selected startups and SMEs.
- Day 3 will feature the last workpackage sessions and a field visit to the Food Waste Hub, in the “Isola” district of Milan.