23 February 2023
Impact Investor Living Lab Meeting — Scaling sustainable food system finance

Creating opportunity is one part of a broader process; tracking impact and bringing favored practices and outcomes to scale requires careful sequencing of actions in the short-, medium-, and long-terms timeframes.

This will be the focus of the February 23, 2023, meeting of the Food Trails Impact Investors Living Lab.

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The Food Trails Investors Living Lab brings together impact investment actors, including five European cities. The aim is to facilitate the discovery of targeted investment strategies that can shift urban food systems.

The Food Trails Impact Investors Living Lab is addressing 8 themes. Insights linked to these themes will inform a sequenced, multi-sector roadmap for scaling up impact investment in urban food systems transformation. Here you can find an overview calendar of working meetings and thematic sessions from February 2022 through March 2023, with a brief note on tools or outcomes from each meeting to be included in an overall Impact Investment Roadmap.

The Lab is an opportunity to participate in discussions that will shape the impact investment environment surrounding urban food systems transformation. If you would like to join the Investor Living Lab meetings, please email us at investorslab@eatforum.org.

Find more about the Investors Living Lab.

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