What do municipalities and food system actors need to know to maximize opportunities for impact investments, and to make the most of those investments?
This webinar will cover:
- Why impact investment and financial literacy are important to support food policies
- Infrastructures for investment to play role in urban food policy
- Practices related to impact investment opportunities
- Opportunities for scaling food policy action and transforming food systems through local entrepreneurs
- Joe Robertson, Senior Advisor, Sustainable Finance, EAT
- Dr. Helena Wright, Policy Director, FAIRR Initiative
- Andrea Magarini, Director of Food policy Department, City of Milan
You will hear from the point of view of impact investors, as well as from a municipality working with external investors.
About the Food Trails Impact Investors Lab:
In 2022, Food Trails invited impact investors to participate in the project’s Investors Living Lab, together with municipalities. The Investors Lab has served as a monthly opportunity to exchange on and shape the impact investment environment in urban food systems.
Food Trails will share findings from its Impact Investors Lab, with cities and others working to support sustainable food systems at the December webinar on ‘Impact investing for urban food policy actors and stakeholders.’
You can find the upcoming Impact Investor Living Lab meeting schedule, as well as previous meeting notes here.